Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Don't you look this good after pulling an all nighter?
Ha, ha. Actually we had a surprisingly good day after such a rough night. And now...can I get a whoot-whoop?!
We are ringing it in in style this year, bells on our toes, silly string and party hats.
Just kidding.
I watched the later half of Shrek 2 while putting the kids to bed and then started editing the photos from the day.
Celebratory snack?
A glass of wine and a tube of Wal-Mart brand Pringles....they aren't bad actually and half the price. I just wouldn't recommend salt and vinegar chips along side a Cabernet-Shiraz!
Anyway....at the stroke of midnight I woke Dave from his slumber on the couch to kiss him into the new year.
But hey, I was celebrating....the kids were in bed by 11!!!

So kissable! Check out that wisp of hair....that is it, all his hair. OK, so he has a little more around the back but at the sides he has these funny wisps I am forever tucking behind his ears.

That lotion mess I mentioned in the last post. It smelled so darn good I just couldn't be upset and am now considering using it as a furniture polish. That wood looks and smells so fantastic now!

You would think I never feed them.
I know his legs are scrawny but really, I do!!

"Drrrrrr, coming to get you, run mommy, run!"
After chasing me and Ethan through the house she found some tulle and then announced that she was a lion princess.

After last night we decided that the crib would get set up again. Enough said!

Now for the new years resolutions.
The big one...and I am sure the hardest to keep is that I am resolving to not complain so much. I had told myself that I was going to find the joy in December and I forgot all about it a few days in. So this is going to be tough.
I have been told I whine too much....pass the plate of cheese, yumm. Really though, I am going to try!!
The next resolution is to wean the kids. Crib should help.

And the final one is to declutter. I really admire living minimistcally and I want to be that way....but as you know I live in a house crammed full of stuff. I think I need most of it, but I know it is not true.
It will be a lot of work but I am actually really excited to start this process. I hope to get the tree down tomorrow....really early for us and start making a dent in the stash of stuff.

How about you?
What did you do for the new year?
Any resolutions?
I hope you all had a great 07 and have an even better 08. Now i am starting to reminisce....that is another post though.
Happy new year!


Badness Jones said...

On 'Worst Night EVER' - I think maybe there was a full moon? Or something in the water? Because Bad wanted to nurse, and nurse, and stay awake. In the end I was so tense Hubs actually took him and let me have the bed to myself, course that didn't last long because the Princess woke up wanting me. I feel your pain!

And on Resolutions? I should stop whining too, but I'm not gonna....if I'm miserable I think my Hubs should be too!!! Good luck, and for the record, I haven't noticed you being whiny!

Happy, happy 2008.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year!
I am glad that the kids went to bed
at a decent time which allowed you and David some time together (even though he was sleeping!) We went out for dinner at Luna Rosa and yummy! Home early and watched a fire. Slept through the changing of the year! I loved the time you spent with us and am very grateful not only for your family, but for all the beautiful and thoughtful gifts I received. I keep looking through the photo album - it makes me feel close to the kids.
Have a wonderful New Year and good luck with your resolutions - they sound like great ones!
I'm off to the gym, see you on the 18th!
Love MA

Anonymous said...

Hi Anna! I found your blog through Kami, and thought I'd pay you a visit. Hope you don't mind if I keep reading & commenting. I'm from New Zealand and I have 2 boys (5 and 3). You're welcome at my blog anytime!

~*This Mama*~ said...

Well, I also want to stop complaining and whining...so I'm with you on that. And I definitely need to de-clutter around my house. Getting my new laptop will help because I feel that I spend too much time goofing off down here in the "cave" as we call it, where my computer is...and not upstairs doing what needs to be done. So both of those we can work on together! =) I also want to add spending more fun mommy time with my kids. The crafts are a great idea. Do you come up with all of the ideas on your own or do you get them from somewhere else? Share share share!

You're doing great! And all the quality time spent with your kids WAAAAAY makes up for the dishes not getting done, you know? Points for that. ;-)