Friday, October 26, 2007

A run-in with Scissor hands

Here is a sneak peak of the new do. I can't believe I let him (my stylist) have his way.
I think I like it, we'll see in the next few days as I have to do it myself. I have gone short before, really short actually, hmmm, maybe I will do a post of my hair history.
Whenever I have short hair I want it long and vice-versa. I tried colors too, but have always defaulted to blond. When I went dark once I felt like I had a secret identity and was lying to the world. I liked it but it just wasn't me. Purple was fun, pink was fun, but both got old quick.
I asked for sexy, edgy, easy and fresh and 'he' said he would give me the style that would get me a third child. Ha, ha.


~*This Mama*~ said...

It's kinda like a wedge, right? I like it from what I can see in the picture. Take some more...and yeah, I would LOVE to see some hair-history pictures of you. That sounds like a fun post!

Amy.E said...

I quite like it!

Madame Bluestocking said...

Gorgeous! You are one hot mama!