I am going to start the pictures with Thursday of last week. Phil and Emily came over to help with the kids a bit so I could get some anit-bacterior-ating and cleaning done.
As you can see in the picture above I had my work cut out for me. With Dave and the kids getting Impetigo and having to treat it and clean anything that it might have touched, and having some of our roughest nights yet, you can see that after one such a night we had some work to do. Dave even had to bring the rocker out to the living room so I could watch TV as I rocked. Now looking back over last week I am sure that some of the reason for the awful nights was the Impetigo. What a pain!
After a few trips to the Dr's office and some cream for the sores we were fixed up and ready for our trip. We had planned to leave by 4am but were so exhausted that we never made it out of the city till 11:30. We took our time and although we had to cut out some planned visits with friends it was better to just relax. The kids traveled great and that made the trip really quick, just one stop to eat and one for gas, and voila, we could see the Edmonton city skyline, yay!
The weekend flew by and I now wish we had taken a whole week so we could see everyone. Next time I guess. We had a great time with family though and the weather was awesome so I am glad we made it out. I was worried about passing the impetigo on so we made sure not to see any one with young kids, sorry guys.
I did make it out for a quick drink with one of my girlfriends and that was a breath of fresh air. I needed to see someone who knew me and understood me. She is an artist and understands the way my brain works and not only that, she has known me for 8 years and been through so much with me, it was so nice to see her.
Dave, Fernando, Alex and Tony went out one night and got air soft guns and of course spent the rest of their time together chasing each other around shooting at one another. Guy fun!
Reminds me of the days of playing capture the flag out on the farm the dark. Hiding in and around out buildings and machinery. I miss those days, not that I don't love these days, they're just different.
Saturday evening all the family came over to the Grumpy's for thanksgiving dinner. This year they did a ham and a roast, yummy! It was so nice to see everyone, we miss you all so much!Since there was no turkey we will do it this weekend with Dave's other parents when they come down. Two thanksgivings, mmmmmm.
Sunday morning we went back to SVBC. It was so nice, felt like home. Rose took us out for lunch, thank you Rose! Brian was in surgery so we missed him, but we went back to their place to look over the fence at our old place. Still looks the way we left it, like home. (sigh)
Driving through St. Albert was so hard, made me homesick. It has grown and changed a ton since we moved less than a year ago, it is crazy boom town out there! However, it still felt like home, and familiar. Brought out feelings I didn't know I had for it.
GG loves to go to auctions and church sales and gets the greatest stuff for the kids and this time snagged a baby centre for Kaitlyn. Thank you GG for all the stuff! Auntie Lolo spoils too and brought the kids some fun stuff from Vegas, super cute outfits to grow into, exactly what we needed, thank you Lolo! And Auntie Kathy, thank you for the mags, and laptop for the kids, yipee, I don't have to share anymore!
"Say cheese."
I am forever telling them this and Kaitlyn now gives me a crooked grin and winks. Getting an honest smile out of her is really tough.
Before we left monday morning we went for a quick walk down to the park, wore out the kids so they wouldn't be restless on the trip home and we were off.
That sumerizes the weekend as quickly as possible, I think. I am sure I missed a ton, but typing everything with a kid climbing and yelling "baby, a baby" at every pic as I try to type is rather tough.
Glad you had a great trip! Hope everyone is feeling better soon!
It seems like we were waiting so long for you all to come and now the weekend has come and gone.
Love to you all
The Grumpys
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