Friday, June 15, 2007

Out and About

Thursday was a busy day, so busy I didn't feel like doing a post, sorry to those of you who have come to expect a post a day from me, I was beat and spent the evening sacked out on the couch snuggling with D man watching a movie, it was sooooo nice.

The kids and I had met up with a girlfriend and her babe at the mall down town for a morning of shopping. Kaitlyn had a gift card for Gap from Aunt Gail with $8 left on it from when she was born. I dug through the diaper bag and gave her the card. She tried on a few hats multiple pairs of shoes and a sweater. Of all the things she tried it was the ruby red shoes she just had to have, and she was in luck they came to a whopping $7 and change! Even though they were a little big she insisted on wearing them around for the rest of the day, showing everyone we came across her 'Dorothy shoes' by sticking out one little foot for all to see. They even clicked when she walked just like Mommy's shoes----so grown up!

After running errands for most of the afternoon we picked up Phil and Em and brought them home for a tea party----of course I had ulterior motives, they occupy the kids so I can get some work done. turns out I ended up as a waitress of sorts and was filling the tea pot and snack bowls most of the time. However I did manage to make supper, and a yummy one at that, and get the kitchen cleaned! I was feeling on top of the world, a day that was going smoothly even though Kaitlyn hadn't had a nap!
After supper we headed back downtown to exchange some flip flops I had picked up for the kids. Stupidly I had bought Kaitlyn and Ethan the same size, so they all fit Ethan. Sometimes I forget how quickly they grow!
My little sprout is feeling better and getting back to his normal chipper self, gnawing my coffee cup, everything is explored via the mouth with him.


Heather said...

Hey Anna, I just love reading your blog and seeing whats going on in life elsewhere. Anyways, I better get back to my housewife stuff, since I only have one day a week to do this stuff!

The Chatty Housewife said...

You mentioned "sorry to all those who have come to expect a post a day from me" or something like that. HAHA! What a joke, I just opened up your page to find FOUR new entries. (I don't read on weekends!) Looks like you are busy as always. Comgratulations on K sleeping through the night. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the red shoes Kaitlin!

Every lady needs a fab pair of shoes!

love Aunty Kathy

familymclean said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you....all three of you....and yes every gal needs a pair of red shoes! (or two) ;-)