Monday, March 12, 2007

The Melt is on!

The snow is melting! I am so excited, spring is on the way. I love the smells and sounds of spring. Well usually...
This year I am not so sure though because that means the horse poop on our sidewalk is thawing and that could stink. We should really get out and chip it out. For those of you wondering why we would have horse poop in our the Christmas season there was carriage rides in the park and they parked in front of our house. Then it snowed a bunch and the grater came by and all the poo on the street ended up on our sidewalk. Yeah.....Yuck!

She knows that she is not supposed to stand on chairs or desks for that matter. Her face says it all. I know I'm in trouble, but...please.
Chipper as usual, hangin with Auntie K.

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