Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Kaitlyn is two.

Well today is Sweetpea's second birthday. I am amazed at how fast the last two years have flown by, and I am so glad that I was able to spend almost every minute with her. I cannot express the love I have for her or Ethan for that matter, but this is her day, so I shall keep it about her.
It has been an interesting few years, Kaitlyn has grown and changed so much. This morning she was singing her alphabet in the bath, "cst..cog282..2...2..222.....tge2ac..lmno...qrst, yz, you, me" and when asked "how old are you today?" she responds with "two months." How she came up with the months part I have no idea, but I love her for it.
She has developed a strong sense of style and a mind of her own. Going out of the house with her is always an adventure which usually involves dressing up in a few layers, maybe a house coat, boots, a hat and glasses. Then of course you cannot forget her baby, stroller, clothes for the baby, a blanket and her purse.
We get a lot of looks and comments when we go out and sometimes I wonder what people must think of me as my daughter is dressed like a mini bag lady, but then I just don't care cause I love that she is expressing herself and not in a belly bearing and mini skirt kind of way,,,though I a sure those days will come. I will cherish these innocent ones while they last!!!!
Kaitlyn has also developed quite a love for her little brother and likes to help me care for him. Telling him "Tay, tay" when he cries....usually due to her pushing him over, but she is trying to be a help.
In the kitchen she helps unload the dishwasher and stirs anything being made, washes dishes and sweeps the floor. She loves to do as mommy does and it is quite fun, though a lot more work.
Anyway, this is just a little about my little sweet thing.
I will do a post tonight about her day.


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Kaitlyn! Hope you have a great daywith a big birthday cake. Anna it looks like Emily has some of our crowns. Ryan

Anonymous said...

I can't believe it has been 2 years since Kaitlyn was born. It seems just like yesterday. I remember getting the phone call from Marianne (Grandma Grumpy) telling me about the new addition. I was sitting at dinner in Toronto at the CN Tower. I was so excited to see her that when I returned to Edmonton the next day, I had to come see her. I had about 3 hours sleep and could barely function, but I had to hold her. She was extremely adorable then and now is even more so!
I had better go before I start to cry!
Love you lots, Aunty Kathy

Anonymous said...

All I can remember is that Grandpa Grumpy had a bit of a monopoly on Kaitlyn two years about the same time as I am writing this - 6:50 p.m. It is hard two believe that two years have past since that night.
Lots of love, the next two weeks will be very long ones for us until we see you all.
The Grumpys

Anonymous said...

Wow!! Two years old already - that means we have known each other that long!! It is always fun catching up on your family - wish we could have a visit, though!!
It has been a busy summer - Brian has kept busy with camping, golfing and a little bit of work. Me....I just finished three family history albums for my brothers and me.
Happy birthday to Kaitlyn and Happy Anniversary to Dave and Anna!