Thursday, February 15, 2007


We hit West Edmonton Mall three times. We both miss that mall big time. All our favourite stores are there, and none of them are in Regina. Who knew you could miss a mall:( However I must say shopping was more fun before kids!
Friday afternoon the kids and I went to visit Marion Fraser for tea. Sallye Wood was there as well, she was working in the building finishing her nursing practicum. It was awesome that our schedules worked out, considering when we lived there we hardly managed to get together. She has the busiest schedule of anyone I know, well Katie's is about as crazy. I don't know when they ever sleep!
Grandpa and Grandma Grumpy (McLean) reading books with Kaitlyn, one of her favourite things to do!
Kaitlyn was missing her comfy chair and used her booster seat to plop in front of the TV at Grandpa and Grandmas, we all thought it was cute how she made herself at home.
Grandpa taught Ethan all about cars. He seemed to catch on quickly, rolling it himself!

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